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Avondale Falconry

Avian pest control specialists

Crop protection


Due to the recent changes in the General Licencing System issued on the 1st Jan 2021 issued by DEFRA, Falconry is a permitted means of pest bird dispersal as non lethal means and as such can be used as a deterrent on agricultural crops, fruit farms, vine yards, orchards and storage facilities. As of the first of January falconry will become the most efficient legal method left to farmers to control avian pest problems.

Our falcons have been highly trained to deal with Parakeets, Corvids, Geese, Starlings and Gulls. We can help in the prevention of crop damage, prevention of disease in feeds stuffs to stock animals and in the protection of stock.


We offer a Grey Squirrel control service for the protection of our native song birds and other wildlife using approved and legal methods.

Ring-necked parakeet and Monk parakeet

This invasive species has caused havoc in vineyards, orchards and farms decimating crops as well as endangering native species and local fauna.  The government advises control of these birds as they are causing great problems with mature timber by ring barking and stripping the trees. We initiate a hawking program in vineyards, orchards and soft fruit farms and we also have the ability to trap in woodlands and farms alike. Working with British Bird Control we also can supply proofing to buildings to prevent them from gaining access, in the last month DEFRA have been looking at a national control program against these species.

Parakeets cause problems for British wildlife | The Independent | The Independent


Foxes are in large numbers in towns which then cause problems of noise, digging, fouling, going through bins and leaving food debris lying about. Mange is carried by Foxes which can be picked up by dogs but more seriously Roundworm is a parasite in Foxes that can cause blindness in children.

Sarcoptic Mange Information | NFWS (


Rabbits are considered a pest because they eat root and arable crops and damage grassland used to feed Cattle and Sheep. They can also cause significant damage to gardens and Horse paddocks. We can use various means to control populations depending on your needs. Rabbit burrows can cause major injuries in Horses, Sheep and Cattle.


Contaminate food intended for human consumption, carry diseases such as Leptospirosis (Weils Disease), Salmonella and Typhus (which can be fatal to people). They can also cause damage by gnawing, burrowing and digging.


known pests to human activities such as agriculture, lawn care, and gardening. However, they do not eat plant roots; they only cause damage indirectly, as they eat earthworms and other small invertebrates in the soil. They can cause listeria in Sheep and Cattle if soil from moles gets into silage. There burrows can be a cause of broken legs in Horses, Sheep and Cattle if not controlled.

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